Not only does it help users find ideas and inspiration through visual content but Pinterest for affiliate marketers is a great way to drive traffic and boost sales. Pinterest affiliate marketing has more than 450 million users and allows using the content that people pin to boost affiliate sales. If you are eager to apply Pinterest for affiliate marketing, stay tuned on this detailed Collectcent article on how to leverage this active platform.

Looking for New ways to Boost your Affiliate Marketing? Opt for Pinterest!

Pinterest is a search engine that offers the possibility of social interaction and a tool for finding inspiration and new products and ideas. Notes and links to web pages are inserted into structured content that is known as a ‘pin.’ To construct virtual mood boards, users browse and save pins.

When sales are referred via the Pinterest platform, it’s known as Pinterest affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketers post affiliate links to goods and services on virtual bulletin boards where they pin pictures and videos. The affiliate is paid when customers who click on the things tagged in the pins and make a purchase do so.

Pinterest VS Instagram

Other than Pinterest, there is another social site that people and companies from all over the world use which is Instagram. Both of them have their specificity in terms of procedures and features that make them stand out from the others. The following table gives an account of the main difference between Pinterest and Instagram.

Criteria Pinterest Instagram
Platform Type Search Engine Social Media
Usability Curating and promoting content on other platforms  Finding Connections and Leads
Focus Keywords Hashtags
Objective Driving Traffic  Cultivating Engagement

As mentioned in detail in the above table, it is Instagram that should be targeted if the aim is to share the image in front of a worldwide audience and get engaged with likes and comments. At the same time, if you are looking for inspiration want to develop materials, or are interested in having a long-term engagement with viewers, then Pinterest can be a handy addition to your line.

Why Use Pinterest Affiliate Marketing?

Building up the readership on Pinterest is something which you should consider if you are interested in becoming an affiliate marketer and making money. Apart from the search, save and share photographic images that are referred to as the “pins”, users may pin to pin boards to accumulate images on a given topic. Videos and GIFs can also be saved and shared. The content recommendations on the platform are based on what users save.

A common question every affiliate marketer or reader will have here is: Is Pinterest good for affiliate marketing?

Here’s a Handy factsheet to explain what makes Pinterest affiliate marketing attractive for marketers:


  • Pinterest’s audience is constantly growing, with 498 million monthly active users.
  • Facebook and YouTube generate the majority of Pinterest’s social media referral traffic.
  • Pinterest’s most popular niches include DIY projects, travel, fashion, cooking, and lifestyle.
  • Pinterest is a major source of traffic. For instance, the website received 1.16 billion visits in December 2023.
  • The annual revenue of Pinterest has been rising and in the first quarter of 2024, it reported $740 million USD.

Therefore, expanding your presence on Pinterest can be a fantastic strategy to increase sales if you manage affiliate programs for businesses and items for whom the visual component is vital.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest
Benefits of Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest | Collectcent

There are many reasons one opts for Pinterest and why It’s a Great Tool for Affiliate Marketing. Some of the benefits of Pinterest affiliate marketing include the following.

Targeted Audience

Users of Pinterest are more likely to interact with affiliate links and material that matches their interests because they frequently use the platform for inspiration and to obtain ideas. Affiliates may see increased conversion rates as a result of this targeted audience.

User’s Intention Is To Purchase

Pinterest affiliate marketing is a great place for affiliate links because a lot of people use the site to shop. Indeed, 75% of them claim to be constantly searching for products to purchase. Additionally, 83% of Pinterest users have made a purchase after seeing anything on the platform. This indicates that it’s an effective way to locate potential customers for your goods.

Customers can buy items through your links even more easily using Pinterest’s features like Product Pins and a special “Shop” button that speeds up the process from discovery to purchase.

Long-lasting impact

Compared to other social media sites, Pinterest affiliate marketing pins have a far longer shelf life. You can continue to drive traffic to your affiliate links without making any extra effort once you pin something because it can be found and shared for months or even years after its initial creation.

Engaging visuals

Stunning pictures and graphics are the main focus of Pinterest affiliate marketing. This is a fantastic opportunity for affiliate marketers to showcase things in a visually appealing manner, which works particularly well for products that appear great in pictures, such as clothing, home goods, or food. 

Growing platform

Thanks to its constantly expanding user base, Pinterest attracts new customers who are open to trying out new products and ideas. Affiliate marketers can increase awareness and sales thanks to this growing audience.

How Does Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Work?

Promoting affiliate offers is one of the methods that can be employed within affiliate marketing using your boards and pins on the Pinterest website. Pinterest affiliate marketing can be done in two ways.

Link Directly to Affiliate Offers

Do not fret if you have considered affiliate marketing and you do not own a website yet. If the affiliate does not have a regularly designed website but wants to publicise products and images, then Pinterest comes in handy. Pinterest stands out as the best platform for creating engaging content and boosting conversion since it has an impressive and unique presentation and has many users. Whether your area of interest is wellness, home décor, fashion or any other niche, you are capable of making money from that niche.

Now the question arises here: How to do affiliate marketing on Pinterest without a website?

Using Pinterest for affiliate marketing doesn’t require you to create a website. Simply include affiliate links in your pins as the associated URL, and you will get paid when customers make purchases via those connections. Pinterest is cool with this as long as you are clear about your goals.

Although this approach is the least labor-intensive and drives more traffic to your offers than indirect linking, it is not without downsides. Since you’re not giving your users any background information on the things you’re pushing, it could lead to reduced conversion rates.


  1. Low initial cost and effort 
  2. Increased traffic to your offers 
  3. Perfect for people who are just getting started with affiliate marketing


  1. There are no context clicks 
  2. Reduced rates of conversion 
  3. Dependence on a single source of traffic 

Drive Traffic to An Affiliate Link in a Blog

Create a blog if you want a reliable, long-term strategy for Pinterest affiliate marketing. Although it takes a little more work upfront, the results speak for themselves in terms of conversions. In the end, Pinterest is a tool for drawing interest and driving visitors to the site in addition to other sources of traffic. Why not repurpose the material you’re already producing and use short clips from videos to post on Pinterest? 


  1. The preferred approach for seasoned affiliates 
  2. Attracts more readers with interesting blog posts 
  3. Increased conversion rates due to the development of trust 


  1. Slow initial increase in traffic 
  2. More work up front (building of a website and content) 

Preparing a Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Strategy

Preparing a Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Strategy
Preparing a Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Strategy | Collectcent

In 2023, blogs were adopted as a traffic source by approximately two-thirds of affiliate marketers. Now, you may be asking yourself whether you can employ Pinterest as a tool for affiliate marketing without a blog at all. Yes, Pinterest affiliate marketing without a blog is indeed a reality!

Unlike common belief, you can use this image search platform to sell affiliate products even if you don’t have a blog. It still generates sales by sending prospective clients to your landing pages once they click on your referral links.

Now you may wonder how to use Pinterest for affiliate marketing. Well, creating a well-structured Pinterest affiliate marketing plan is vital if you wish to leverage it for affiliate marketing.

This section will guide you through the procedure of creating a Pinterest affiliate marketing strategy that will bring pinners to your affiliate links as well as convert them. 

Identify your niche

It’s probably advisable to identify your niche first if you haven’t already. You can determine and focus on the specific people who will make up your target audience by selecting a niche. They will also allow you to better understand your audience and the expectations that come with their patronage. Thus, you will be in a position to market yourself or the product you want to sell as the answer to their issues.

In addition, the having of a niche provides the ability to offer concentrated attention to a specific subject matter and acquire expert recognition. Additionally, being excited or passionate about your expertise will help you express it better and can contribute to authenticity. 

Set Your Goals

It is exceptionally vital that Pinterest affiliate marketing goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. Also, it refers to the goals as helpful instruments that not only make you aim-oriented and give you directions but also allow you to set milestones, evaluate achievements, and reveal deficiencies.

If you work as an affiliate marketer, for instance, do you want to increase traffic to both your website and the website of the company you represent? What kind of standards can you put in place to track your development?

Be a Part of an affiliate program

You may be able to get unique content through affiliate networks or programs, which you can then advertise on Pinterest. You may share exclusive offers from these channels with your audience. You can access a variety of affiliate programs and businesses by using affiliate networks. Increasing your compliance with requirements is another advantage of joining an affiliate network. You can use affiliate links to promote your Pins on Pinterest after you sign up for an affiliate program. 


This means that if you want to create Pins then you must do your homework first. Look into what the competitors are publishing and how they are advertising their Pins by following them. Determine who your audience is and what interests or accounts they follow. It is beneficial to keep an eye out for new trends as well. When you combine all of these elements, you can create a more successful Pinterest affiliate marketing strategy for the platform. 

Create Relevant Content

You can create content for your website that is relevant to the goods or services you are trying to market. You may create how-to tutorials, blog entries, articles, and even movies. You can give previously published content a new lease of life by updating it with more recent data. Infographics can also be used to communicate information. They provide an easily comprehensible, highly visual means for your audience to obtain the information they require.

Set up your Pinterest business account

After starting your Pinterest business account for affiliate marketing, you can use your profile for business needs. You can do this in two ways. One is through creating a brand new Pinterest business account. The second is through converting a personal one to a business one. A Pinterest business account is helpful since it provides you with more effective and precise tools and knowledge of analytics than a personal one.

Make eye-catching images for your Pins

The images that you opt to use as thumbnails of the Pins should be interesting. Graphic design tools like Adobe Photoshop or Canva can also be used to design tips and implement them on your own. However, if you do not have professional-quality graphics skills, you can go for a designer and get spectacular images for Pins.

Create your Pin

After creating your account, you may begin adding Pins. You have two options here.

Idea Pins

For Pinterest Business accounts, Pinterest has introduced a new multi-page video format. This allows you to record and edit videos for up to 20 pages of information, as well as submit content directly to Pinterest. To your Idea Pins, you may also add voiceovers, music, and interactive components.


Pins, or Pinterest posts, appear when you search on Pinterest after logging in. Click the “Create Pin” drop-down menu to start the process of creating a pin. After that, a screen where you can edit the Pin details like the title and description will appear. The photos you upload here will also appear here in thumbnail form. Remember to provide your affiliate link under “Add a destination link.” 

Follow this Affiliate marketing on Pinterest Step By Step strategy that exudes results!

Best Practices for Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

Follow Rules

Make sure you research the guidelines for producing, posting, and disseminating affiliate material on Pinterest. Important Pinterest affiliate marketing rules for affiliate marketers to abide by are as follows.

No cloaking

The community guidelines on Pinterest discourage hiding or reducing affiliate links in order to promote the “no surprises principle,” which states that Pinners should be able to “reasonably anticipate” where a link will lead.

Disclose affiliation

Affiliates are required by the Federal Trade Commission to identify affiliate content as “sponsored” or “affiliated.” To ensure compliance, incorporate disclaimers on your landing pages and pins.

No fake accounts

Pinterest prohibits using alias accounts to re-pin your content. Your Pinterest content may be blocked if you violate any of these rules.

Create Multiple Pins per post

Make several pins with the affiliate link for every affiliate marketing post you write. You’ll have more chances for audience interaction—such as saves, clicks, video views, comments, and follows—the more affiliate pins you have. Usually, 1% is the starting point for a solid engagement threshold.

The secret to a good Pinterest affiliate marketing pin is a compelling image that will stand out from the competition. Try experimenting with various pin templates, such as the following.

Stock photos and illustrations

Images in colour and black and white

Text-intensive and primarily graphic content

Images with vertical and horizontal orientations

Schedule pins

Tools for prescheduling pins are among the other time-saving measures. Hootsuite, Later, and Tailwind are a few examples. You can create a personalised timetable, add new content to your queue, and have pins added to your board automatically.

You can improve your chances of connecting with users while they are online by planning pins in advance.

Enable rich pins

Compared to the platform’s regular photos, rich pins are more descriptive. By including more information in the pin description, they draw attention in a congested feed and improve your chances of getting visitors from Pinterest.

Optimise for SEO

Since Pinterest functions as a visual search engine, you should optimise your profile to appear to users who are actively looking for products or services. Use SEO best practices to achieve this, such as rich pins that pull metadata automatically so your pins are always up to date and keywords with buy intent.

Once you’ve determined your keywords, concentrate on certain areas to support your Pinterest SEO implementation, such as the following.

Pinterest profile

Incorporate pertinent keywords into your account bio that align with the overall theme of the content.

Pin description

Examine the keywords associated with each specific pin in greater detail. 

Board description

Though not as focused as a pin, boards are more specific than a profile.

Analyse pin performance

Analyse your monthly Pinterest affiliate marketing performance using Pinterest Analytics, a built-in data tool. Examine user interactions, audience-interested subjects, and your best pins to get ideas for improving your content.

Metrics to consider during your Pinterest affiliate marketing evaluation include the following.

Click-through rate

What proportion of viewers click on your pin after seeing it? Are some pins more clicked than others? Do pins featuring a well-known blogger or influencer’s endorsement receive more traffic than those that don’t?

Time on site

What makes visitors from other sources of traffic different from Pinterest users? Evaluate the analytics of e-commerce: When your pin content aligns with the content of your landing page, you’ll see a high time on-site and a low bounce rate.


Keep a close eye on your Pinterest affiliate marketing conversion rate for products that you have actively pushed but have low product sales, or for products that you have not promoted but have high conversion rates. Adjust your content approach as you deem fit.

Promote high-performing pins

Invest in Pinterest advertisements to bolster your marketing campaigns. Pinterest claims that the top-performing advertisements often:

Feature vertical, high-resolution photos

Possess trustworthy connections

Include a clear content copy

Focus on your brand

Along with organic pins, promoting high-performing Pinterest affiliate marketing pins can expand your audience and increase traffic. Promote an affiliate link directly with sponsored pins, or reroute users to your affiliate marketing content.

Top Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Tools

Posting visually appealing pins isn’t the only aspect of Pinterest affiliate marketing. Similar to any effective digital marketing approach, it entails a number of activities, including scheduling, content development, and performance measurement. Thank goodness, you are not alone. Numerous solutions for Pinterest affiliate marketing are available to help you be more efficient, save time, and achieve greater results. 


This easy-to-use graphic design tool is ideal for producing visually striking pins. It offers an extensive selection of editable templates made especially for Pinterest’s dimensions.


Tailwind is an all-in-one platform for scheduling, tracking, and optimising Pinterest pins—a true game-changer. It’s particularly popular for its community-led ‘Tailwind Tribes’ function, which increases the visibility of your pin.


Your pin scheduling process can be greatly improved with the help of this tool. It’s a wonderful option if you work in a Pinterest affiliate marketing team because it also has analytics and collaboration tools.


It is an incredible tool for managing various social media accounts and scheduling pins. Additionally, it offers comprehensive analytical reports that let you monitor the effectiveness of your promotion.

You should think about every tool when you create your Pinterest affiliate marketing plan as they all have unique advantages.

Affiliate Marketing via Pinterest: Concerns & Their Solutions

How to make content visually appealing?

To create unique graphics and emulate the designs of your competitors in Pinterest affiliate marketing, use software like Canva.

How to reach and attract product buyers?

To attract consumers with a high buy intent, highlight the qualities and benefits of your product and include relevant keywords in your pin descriptions.

How to expand audience reach?

To reach a larger audience, research your Pinterest affiliate marketing niche, join Tailwind groups that are relevant to you, and share your pins.

How to stay ahead of the competition?

Post fresh and unique content, and monitor changes in Pinterest’s algorithm and other guidelines.

How to manage promotional and informative content on Pinterest?

In regards to promotional and non-promotional content, the 80/20 rule should be considered by marketers for Pinterest affiliate marketing. In this case, 80 per cent of the content is educational, entertaining or has value to the audience while 20 per cent is promotional to keep the followers engaged and trusting the brand.


Pinterest affiliate marketing will without a doubt be a brilliant affair for marketers who are willing to devote their time and energy and come up with the best strategies. To maintain or improve the positions in the affiliation marketing competition field do not forget to communicate with your audience, use the pin advertising possibilities and always evaluate your performance. Pinterest affiliate marketing can be a very effective tool if you invest your time and efforts into your affiliate marketing campaign. Do not forget to familiarise yourself with Pinterest’s evolving rules and tools to adapt your strategy for continuous effectiveness. Happy Pinning!

Curious to know more? Click, call, and connect with Collectcent today and take your business beyond the traditional boundaries!


How can I do affiliate marketing on Pinterest?
Find affiliate programs, create pins, optimise for SEO, analyse performance & boost better ones with ads.
How do people make money on Pinterest?
Employ the Affiliate partnerships strategies, Pinterest ads, Blogs & sponsored content.
Is a business account on Pinterest free?
Yes. The creation of a business account for Pinterest affiliate marketing is completely free.